
Master of Occupational Therapy, specialisation: Hand Therapy

Country: South Africa
City: Cape Town
Country: University of Sellenbosch
Certificate or Credits Earned: Masters in Occupational therapy
Length of Programme: 2 years
Admission Requirements: 4 yr degree in Occupational Therapy

The Master of Occupational Therapy, with specialisation in hand therapy, aims to provide students with an occupation based approach to practice. Critical thinking will develop during the study of assessments and interventions of occupational therapy practice in the field of hand therapy (based on case studies). Evidence based practice will be applied throughout with consideration of models of practice, ethics and legislation. The programme aims to: •equip students with advanced knowledge in order to develop an understanding of the theory pertaining to the profession of occupational therapy •ensure mastery of the profession by means of the analysis of new information and the application thereof to address problems and challenges within the profession; •educate students in research methodology, thereby enabling them to perform advanced and independent research that will culminate in the publication of articles; •prepare students to undertake further studies; and •qualify students who will competently advance Occupational Therapy as professionals. Overarching themes include •Occupational risk factors, with due consideration of occupational performance within context. •Policy and legislative Influences (national and international, including disability policies) •Evidence-based practice and developments in occupational therapy approaches to hand therapy. Strands maintained throughout the content of the program include: • The occupational development of the client with hand and/or upper limb conditions. • Work from the perspective of the occupational human. • Ethical and moral reasoning. • History and future development focus in the field. First year Compulsory modules Research Methodology and Statistics 871(15) The Research Methodology and Statistics module is offered every year. Second year Compulsory module Assignment 872(60) Generic Occupational Therapy modules Occupational Science 872(15) Models in Occupational Therapy 872(15) Occupational Therapy Practice 872(15) Generic Occupational Therapy modules are offered every second year and are compulsory. Modules in field of specialty: Hand therapy Occupational Therapy Practice: Assessments in Speciality Field of Study: Hand Therapy 876(20) Occupational Therapy Practice: Interventions in Speciality Field of Study: Hand Therapy 871(40) Fields of specialty modules are offered every second year. Admission and selection requirements For admission to the Master of Occupational Therapy degree programme, a student shall: •hold the four-year B degree in Occupational Therapy or the Honours degree in Occupational Therapy of this University or an equivalent qualification approved for such purpose by Senate, and shall be registered as an occupational therapist with the Health Professions Council of South Africa; •on written application have been admitted to the Master of Occupational Therapy programme by Senate or by the Executive Committee acting on behalf of Senate; and •have passed a preliminary examination for direct admission to the Master of Occupational Therapy degree programme, the only requirement for which is a thesis. Candidates may be exempted from such preliminary examination if (since obtaining the qualifications above) they have completed at this University or elsewhere an approved curriculum of research and/or advanced study. •Previous experience of at least two years in the treatment of patients with hand conditions/injuries is a prerequisite for prospective candidates in the Hand Therapy field of study. Candidates who choose the Hand Therapy field of specialty shall, for the duration of the programme, work in areas where they will be able to treat patients with hand conditions/injuries. Enquiries Programme coordinator: Prof L van Niekerk Tel.: (021) 938 9307 Course convenor: Susan de Klerk Tel: (021) 938 9504


Name: Prof L van Niekerk