Visit a Clinic - Therapist to Therapist Scheme

Welcome to the IFSHT Visitors Programme

Our goal is to enhance and increase communication between hand therapists worldwide. We believe that through visiting each other the world of Hand Therapy gets smaller. Spending time in a clinic in another part of the world is a great way to learn from each other.

If you are interested in visiting a participating Hand Clinic, you can contact them directly.  If there is no clinic listed in the country you are interested in visiting, look under the members page and make contact with the delegate from that country.  They may be able to put you in touch with a clinic.  To find a hand therapist in another country (to refer a patient) – see at the bottom of this page.

Country City Clinic
Argentina Buenos Aires Centro Kinesico Menayed
Argentina Caba Consultorio De Terapia De Miembro Superior Y Mano
Argentina Buenos Aires Hospital Italiano
Argentina Caba Kinetics
Argentina La Plata Consultorio De Terapia De Mano
Argentina Psia Physioteam
Argentina LA PLATA ERI. Espacio de Rehabilitación Integral.
Argentina BUENOS AIRES kinesiologia Lomitas
Australia Brisbane Northside Hand & Upper Limb Clinic
Australia Cairns Cairns Occupational Therapy
Australia Southport Gold Coast Hospital Hand Therapy Department
Australia Melbourne Austin Health Occupational Therapy
Australia Melbourne The Royal Children`s Hospital Melbourne
Australia Sydney Hand Therapy Group
Australia Wagga Wagga Riverina Hand Therapy
Australia Geelong Corio Bay Hand Therapy
Bahamas Nassau Princess Margaret Hospital Providence Rehabilitation Centre
Bangladesh Dhaka Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP)
Belgium Roeselare Praktijk ELAN
Belgium Heist-op-den-Berg Medihand
Brazil Alagoas Instituto Mão | Hand Institute
Brazil São Paulo Officina de Mão
Brazil Santa Cruz do Sul - RS Orthoklinik
Bulgaria Sofia Hand Therapy Bulgaria
Canada Coquitlam Coquitlam Physiotherapy and Hand Therapy Center (part of Hand Therapy Centers)
Canada Surrey Hand Therapy Centers (5 locations)
Chile Talca La Clinica de la Mano
Chile Concepcion Clinica Biobio
China Suzhou Children’s Hospital of Soochow University
Colombia Medellín Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe
Colombia Bogotá Consultant Physiotherapist Carolina Molano
France Champigny sur Marne Hopital Prive Paul d’Egine
France Echirolles Cabinet de kinésithérapie
France Montpellier Institut de la main
France Paris Orthese Main Poignet
France Saint Paul Les Dax Adour Main 40
Germany Bad Neustadt / Saale Klinik für Handchirurgie Bad Neustadt / Saale
Germany Berlin Praxis für Physiotherapie und Handrehabilitation
Germany Lindau Margit Koch : Ergo & Hand Therapie
Germany Mannheim Universitätsmedizin Mannheim
Germany Frankfurt/Main manuteam. Ergotherapie & Handrehabilitation
Greece Athenss - Greece Physiotherapy Practice for the Upper Limb of Antonia Lourida
Greece Drosia, Greece Artimelia OT Services, Specializing in upper limb rehabilitation & hand therapy
Italy Parma (PR) - Borgo Val di Taro (PR) FRT Hand Therapy
Kenya Mombasa Pwani Occupational and Hand Therapy Services
Mexico Mexico City RehabiliTO Terapia de mano y Miembro superior
Spain Bilbao Hand Bilbao
Spain Málaga Tecan Hand Center
Spain Barcelona Hand Therapy BCN
Switzerland Zug Handtherapie Zug
Switzerland Zurich University Hospital Zurich
Switzerland Zurich City Handtherapie
Turkey Ankara Hacettepe University
United States Austin, TX BSWIR- Select Medical
United States Chicago Northwestern Medical Group – Old Irving Park
There are currently no clinics listed for visits in this country

List Your Clinic

If you are looking for a hand therapist in another country to refer a patient, click here