Current Executive

At the 12th Triennial IFSHT Congress in London, United Kingdom in June 2022, the council voted in the current executive members for the term of 2022-2025. Four members: Nicola Goldsmith , Immediate-Past President (email:; Peggy Boineau, President (email:; Stacey Doyon, President Elect (email:, and Susan de Klerk, Information Officer (email:, served on the 2019-2022 IFSHT Executive. They were joined by two new executive members: Elizabeth Ward, Treasurer (email: and Marie Eason Klatt, Secretary General ( The six executive members, two physical therapists and four occupational therapists, come from five different countries in five different time zones. They meet regularly using a remote platform and utilise a virtual office to work together.

To read more about each executive member, click on their name below.