
Post Graduate Diploma in Hand Therapy

Country: Portugal
City: Leiria
Country: Polytechnic Institute of Leiria - School of Health Sciences
Certificate or Credits Earned: 60 ECTS
Length of Programme: 1620 hours
Admission Requirements: Occupational Therapy or Physical Therapy Degree

Based on the biopsychosocial model, it is intended that students be able to use advanced theoretical/practical knowledge and suitable tools for performing and providing excellent care applied on many upper limb dysfunctions, reaching the following objectives:

– Develop the ability to critically evaluate and reflect about practice in hand therapy;
– Critically review the theory behind hand therapy;
– Contribute to developing knowledge in this specific area.
– Develop an understanding of research methods;
– Develop personally and professionally;
– Make improvements in clinical practice and research in hand therapy;
– Discuss mechanisms of traumatic injury and illness in the upper limb;
– Discuss independently and systematically, as the various therapeutic interventions can support and improve the function, activity and participation after traumatic injury and illness in the upper limb.

Address: Campus 2 - Morro do Lena - Alto do Vieiro 2411-901 Leiria Leiria , Portugal PT


Name: Maria Dulce Gomes