Lifetime Achievement Award
About the Award
This award was created to recognize any person, alive or posthumous, who has made an outstanding contribution to hand therapy internationally. The enormous contribution of the award winner will influence generations of Hand Therapists to come and benefit countless patients into the future. The IFSHT Membership, therefore, expresses its sincere appreciation and gratitude to our pioneers for enriching our passion, Hand Therapy.
The award will be a framed certificate, which will be presented at the IFSHT Triennial Congress. Should the recipient not be able to attend, they may designate a person to receive the award on their behalf, or an unframed certificate will be posted to their home address. Following the congress the award will be made public on the IFSHT website and social media platforms and in IFSHT publications.
How to Apply
The following criteria should be assessed when considering a possible Lifetime Achievement Award nomination:
- Exceptional ability to teach and train hand therapists
- Significant contributions to hand therapy research in anatomy or basic sciences
- Significant contributions to clinical hand therapy research
- Publications in peer-reviewed journals which substantially add to our understanding of hand therapy
- Publication of chapters and/or books which made major contributions
- Involvement in outreach programs of significant importance
- Specific international contributions to promote hand therapy, such as involvement in Federation activities; and significant involvement in regional activities (outside their own country)
- Specific contributions to promote hand therapy nationally, such as substantial Society activities
- Visiting Professorships and invitations to lecture internationally
- Evidence-based and clinically important presentations at international meetings
- Preparation of video programs, manuals, books or other materials for teaching purposes
- Development of equipment and processes for clinical use or academic programs
- No current member of the IFSHT Executive Committee or Awards Committee may be nominated.
- An individual may submit the application form to the sponsoring Hand Therapy Society of the nominee, who should agree that a nomination is appropriate according to the guidelines
Nominations will be accepted from IFSHT Full Member Hand Therapy Societies. With the assistance of the nominee (if living), the nominating society should send:
- An abbreviated CV of three pages maximum
- A separate list of publications, international lectures, invited presentations, and photo
- The IFSHT Awards Committee will assess the submissions and notify the nominating Society of its recommendations. This should allow adequate time for the recipients of this honor to make the necessary arrangements to attend the Awarding Ceremony at the Opening of the following Congress.
Nominations for the Lifetime Achievement Award will close on 24 September 2024.
*Please note that the form is only accessible to logged-in IFSHT website users – please log in or create an account, to access the form
Previous Recipients
At the inaugural IFSHT Lifetime Achievement Award ceremony in 2019 we were delighted to honour the following hand therapists for their outstanding contribution to International Hand Therapy.
The award winners are pictured with Anne Wajon, President IFSHT.
left to right: Dominique Thomas / France, Jean-Claude Rouzaud / France, Corrianne van Velze / South Africa, Margareta Persson / Sweden, Rosemary Prosser / Australia, Lynne Feehan / Canada, Victoria Frampton / UK, Pat McKee(front) / Canada, Adiela Estrada / Columbia, Shrikant Chinchalkar / Canada, Judy Colditz / USA.
We also honour Annette Leveridge / UK and Evelyn Mackin / USA who were unable to attend.
Berlin 2019Full Biography’s of Two Lifetime Achievement Winners as Highlighted in REACH
More to be highlighted each quarter
Judy ColditzShrikant Chinchalkar