Nicola Goldsmith - England - Immediate Past President
1989 Dip.COT in Occupational Therapy, Brunel University, London, UK
1995 M.Sc. Research Methods for Remedial Therapists, Kings College University, London, UK
Work Experience
I started by OT career working in neurology but after two years found myself working in the field of hand therapy and have done so ever since. Initially I worked in the NHS (public sector) in a Regional hand injuries and burns centre also with responsibility for upper limb rheumatology. In 1995 I moved to set up a private hand clinic in London which grew into a multi-centre successful clinic. After fourteen years as manager of this unit, I left to take up a role as upper limb lead for the largest provider of private healthcare in the UK. In my nine years with this company, I developed hand therapy clinics in 39 hospitals linking with specialist surgeons where patient care was offered to a national standard. My expertise therefore comes both in my clinical leadership role as well as business development and strategy in a corporate environment.
My current work is multi-faceted. I still work as a partner in NES Hand Therapy Training (see below). I started work as the Clinical Director of GripAble in June 2019. This company is bringing a new assessment and treatment tool for the hand and wrist into the market in 2020. It is very exciting to take the journey with the GripAble team. See Finally I have also set up a small local private practice delivering hand therapy to patients in their homes see As an OT it is wonderful to see people in their own environment – something that is not often possible in our field.
In 1999 I set up NES Hand Therapy Training with two colleagues, Sarah Mee and Elaine Juzl, and the three of us have delivered over 150 hand therapy courses since that time including many BAHT Level I and Level II validated courses. Our courses cover subjects such as management of the wrist and PIPJ, work relation upper limb disorders, fractures, soft tissue injuries and acquired conditions.
I have also worked as a clinical mentor for the College of Occupational Therapists as part of their consultancy service.
Professional Activities
I am a member of the College of Occupational Therapists (UK) and the British Association of Hand Therapists. From 1995 to 1998 I sat on the British Association of Hand Therapists Education Committee and became Chairman of this committee from 1998 – 2004. This was an exciting time as it was the period when the British Association presented its first Accredited Hand Therapists award and developed multiple pathways to accreditation. I was honoured to be elected onto the executive of IFSHT as the Historian for the period of 2013 – 2016.
Publications and Presentations
Six articles published in Hand Therapy, Hand Surgery and G.P. publications
Multiple presentations at National, European and International meetings as well as teaching in the UK, Ireland, South Africa, and Portugal.