b'REACH: April 2021 CLINICIANS HANDSSpotlight on IFSHT Member Society: JapanThe Japan Hand Therapy Society (JHTS) was established in 1988. The Society holds an annual meeting in cooperation with the Japanese Society for Surgery of the Hand. The 31st annual meeting of JHTS was held in Sapporo on 19-20 April 2019 and the participants included 530 therapists and hand surgeons. The 32nd annual meeting was held online from June 28th to August 10th 2020 due to the effects of the new Coronavirus infection (COVID-19). The participants included about 400 therapists and hand surgeons. In this online meeting, nineteen new executive members were chosen, and Dr. Mineo Oyama was elected as the President again. Dr. Hiroshi Yajima is the Executive Adviser (Ex Japanese Society for Surgery of theThe 31th annual meeting of JHTS held in Sapporo on 19-20 April 2019.Hand President), and Ms. Mikayo Omori and Mr. Akio Okano are Vice Presidents, Ms. Kaoru Abe is the Treasurer and Mr.We welcome many therapists from theRenewal of certification is required Koji Horaiya is the Secretary General.foreign countries. every 5 years. All lecture-based Furthermore, we are planning to holdJHTS has 742 members and we have atraining was canceled last year due to 33rd annual meeting of the JHTS (usingsystem of certified hand therapists inCOVID-19, but this year we plan to hold a hybrid approach) in Nagasaki onJapan. There are currently 50 certifiedthem primarily online in Japanese.the 24-25th of April 2021. Also, we arehand therapists in Japan. It takes about planning a foreign invitation lecture by10 years to obtain the certification after Ms. Sarah G. Ewald (Ex IFSHT President,taking lecture training, clinical training, Switzerland).and examinations. Answers to questions on page 5:1. D 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. True 9. A 10. YesREACH contact: IFSHT enquiries:president@ifsht.org secretarygeneral@ifsht.org Nicola Goldsmith Maureen HardyIFSHT DISCLAIMER: The IFSHT Newsletter, REACH, is the official mouthpiece of the International Federation of Societies for Hand Therapy. IFSHT does not endorse the commercial advertising in this publication, nor the content or views of the contributors to the publication. Subscription to the IFSHT REACH is free of charge and is distributed on a quarterly basis. Should you be interested to advertise in this publication, please contact the Editor: president@ifsht.org11'