
Virtual Hand to Shoulder Fellowship, LLC

Country: United States
City: Allentown
Country: n/a AOTA Approved Provider
Language: English
Type: Continuing Education
Certificate or Credits Earned: 9.6 CEUs or 96 contact hours
Length of Programme: one year
Admission Requirements: PT, OT

This program is affiliated with an entry-level doctoral program but it is a continuing education course to keep fees affordable.

We are an AOTA approved provider. We have a one year comprehensive didactic curriculum supplemented by an interdisciplinary group of distinguished guest speakers.

We have reduced fees to accommodate  various demographics and we’ve awarded a number of scholarships to help increase access to a rigorous evidence-based curriculum that supports specialization in upper limb and hand therapy.


Telephone: +1-484-714-8925
Address: Online Based out of Pennsylvania, USA


Name: Mirella Deisher